Robert L.D. Cooper  Author, Historian, Freemason.


June 3rd, 2014 by Robert Cooper

Perhaps it is due to the funereal humour of the Scots but was taken with the idea if Tikker – a watch that counts down the remaining days of one’s life.

How then does it work. Details of your lifestyle, date of birth, weight etc. are input and the watch calculates (presumably using actuarial tables) one’s anticipated lifespan. Obviously it deduces the time from birth to the present day to arrive at the date of death. The watch then provides a mili-scecond, second, minute, hour, day, month countdown to one’s expected date of demise.

The makers are keen to point out that the idea is that by ‘knowing’ when one is going to pop one’s clogs you will be energised to make the very best of the time left. I think that is why it has been called ‘The Happiness Watch’!

I wonder refund one is entitled to a refund if the watch miscalculates the time left?…..

The watch costs $59.00. For more information have a look at: MyTikker

For those who rather have the watch on their iPhone an app is available in the iStore at about $4.

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