My Latest News
As I feared updating this web site has proved to be ‘problematic’ to say the least.
The main problem is lack of time (some might say discipline!) but it is pobably a combination of both.
Since returning to work in Freemasons’ Hall on 26 April (less than five minus holidays) I have slowly started to clear the backlog. Most emails have now been answered but there remains a huge problem in restoring the archive. The reason for this was despite me repeatedly infomed that all the material moved from the archive rooms, (basement, attic and upper room) and dumped in the Library and the Museum would be returned once the installation of the lift was completed. That work was finalised in February 2021. I am now informed that none of the areas around the lift shaft can be used for storage. In fact these areas cannot be used for anything whatsoever!
What to do now? Watch this space as they say…
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