September 17th, 2008 by Robert Cooper
The Masonic Magician was officially launched in the premises of Toye, Kenning and Spencer, Great Queen Street, London on Tuesday, 16th September. A good turn out with many old friends attending made the evening quite special for all concerned. The wine was excellent! To see some images of the event click here or on the previous link.
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September 5th, 2008 by Robert Cooper
Thanks to some clever footwork the Grand Lodge of Scotland has managed to get its hands on some copies of The Masonic Magician before it is officially launched on 16th September in London. If you want a copy before it is available in the shops there is only one place to get it – the Grand Lodge of Scotland on line shop. To order click here or on other links.
I have been asked by several people if it is possible for me to sign copies of the book and I am more than happy to do that provided that The Masonic Magician is ordered through the Grand Lodge of Scotland online shop or by calling Freemasons’ Hall (0131 225 5577 – from outside the UK dial:- 0044 131 225 5577.)
As an added incentive the first 12 ordered will get a free Masonic Mouse mat! Please mention that when you place your order.
There is also a short review of the book on the Grand Lodge of Scotland web site in the News Section. To read that click here or on the previous links.
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September 4th, 2008 by Robert Cooper
Today saw the first autumn/winter frost (sorry, forgot to take a picture) in Edinburgh at least and that is pretty early even in Scotland. The sign of a had winter to come?
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September 1st, 2008 by Robert Cooper
Visitors to this site might like to know that The Masonic Magician will be available in the USA and Canada on or about 16th September where it will be distributed by Simon and Schuster (who also published Cracking the Freemasons’ Code).
To pre-order the you will have to do by going to Barns and Noble online or in store or online at (where you can also order Cracking the Freemasons’ Code should you so wish. I am sure that other book stores in the USA and Canada will also pre-order for you.
You will notice that the dust jacket for the North American edition is quite different from that to be published in the UK. Apparently that is quite normal although I the reasons don’t the reason why.
It is important also to know that the ISBN numbers are different. The UK edition’s ISBN is: 978-1-905857-68-5 and the North American edition is: 978-1-905857-82-1.
There is a saying – ‘Two countries devided by a common language’ (if anyone can let me know the source of that quote I would be grateful if you could let me know) and so the USA/Canadian edition will take account of the different ‘types’ of English used there and it has been an interesting experience for me to compare the two versions.
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August 28th, 2008 by Robert Cooper
The Scottish World
During November and December 2007 BBC Radio Scotland broadcast a four part series entitled The Mason Word. This was very well received by many people all over the world who used the ‘listen again’ facility on BBC Radio Scotland’s web site.
The program was produced by Billy Kay, writer, producer, broadcaster and historian on all manner of thing Scottish. His latest book: The Scottish World – A journey into the Scottish Diaspora has just been published by Mainstream Publishing (Edinburgh).
Told from an engaging, personal, point of view Billy tells us of his experiences as a Scot who has travelled all over the world. The stories some times hilarious, sad, thoughtful, exciting but always from a Scottish viewpoint. Written with many a Scots which some might not be recognisable by non-Scots so a useful glossary has been included.
At £9.99 (paperback) this 319 page book is a snip and a must for all Scots everywhere. For those who would like an insight to the Scottish psyche – what makes Scots, Scottish – this is an enjoyable introduction.
Freemasons however are more than likely to be interested in the chapter entitled: The Mason Word which is based on Billy’s interviews with Freemasons on both sides of the atlantic, many of whom have a Scottish connection. It is refreshing to read an unbiased, outsider’s, view of Scottish Freemasonry.
More to follow.
ISBN: 978-1-84596-317-0
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August 24th, 2008 by Robert Cooper
The pre-publicity for The Masonic Magician appears to have caught the imagination of quite a mumber of people given the number of pre-orders which have already been received.
The book will be officially launched on 16th September and both authors will be on hand to sign copies of the book. We are led to believe that it is unusual to have a double book signing, so those of you who have received invitations to the launch party – make good use of them. We are soory we could not invite everybody!
Those who have not received an invite to the Book Launch there is one other chance to meet the authors on Wednesday, 17th September at the Atlantis Bookshop, 49a Museum Street, London, WC1A. The authors will talk briefly about this ground breaking book and answer a few questions. This is the only ‘double book signing event’ arranged for the time of the book launch. After that you will have to chase the authors individually if you want them to sign their book for you so don’t miss out on this only opportunity. The authors will be at the Altantis Bookshop from about 7.15pm.
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April 8th, 2008 by Robert Cooper
The Masonic Magician by Philippa Faulks and Robert L. D. Cooper is now available for pre-order at for £16.99, or direct from the publisher Watkins Publishing.
Pip and I have to admit that we did not quite understand what would be involved when we started this project – note that it began as a ‘project’ not a book. We had thought that it might be paper worth submitting to the international acacdemic conference on Freemasonry (ICHF) to be held in Edinburgh in May 2009, see: However, we both quickly realised that the manuscript which had lain untouched for at least 150 years could not be reduced to a paper lasting a mere 30 minutes.
The importance of the manuscript, it’s contents, it’s relationship to ‘ordinary’ Freemasonry and most importantly of all the author, Comte Cagliostro, and his desire to ‘improve’ Freemasonry with his carefully crafted, carefully worded and carefully described Egyptian Rite of Freemaonry meant that a 30 minute delivery was out of the question. In order to explain Cagliostro’s purpose, with all it’s nuances, a book was required.
In writing the book, by authors from entirely different backgrounds, will give an insight to Freemasonry, esoteric content, the Renaissance, Hermeticism and the attitude of the Roman Catholic Church to beliefs not held by the majority of the faith.
This book is firmly focused on the life and activities of Count Cagloistro but the scope of this book is much wider than that as it encompasses his life and work including ] the origins of Freemasonry, it’s ethos, how and why and how Masonophobia came into being and perhaps most importantly of all why Freemasons, like Cagliostro, were condemend to death simply because they were Freemasons.
(I, Robert Cooper, not Pip my co-author, have been advised that a pre-order is essential as the initial print run is limited) Pip and I hope to find a venue in London at the time of publication so that we can both be present for both of us to sign copies of the book. This will be a ‘one off’ occasion so if you wish a copy of the book signed by both authors at the same time there is only going to be one opportunity. Please keep checking this page for details of the time and venue.
More information
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April 2nd, 2008 by Robert Cooper
The Masonic Magician cover artwork has now been completed by Watkins Publishing, and the book will be off to the printers soon. I’m really pleased with the way it looks.
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October 9th, 2007 by Robert Cooper
The first edition of the book: The Rosslyn Hoax? was published in 2006 as a hardback (case bound) but had sold out by early March 2007. The publisher, Lewis Masonic, decided that as this title was one of their best ever sellers a second edition in paper back (B5) was appropriate. This is quite an accolade as only a small percentage of hard back books make into the more popular paper back format. The opportunity has been taken to make a number of improvements the best of which, in my opinion, is the far better index. Numerous small errors have also been corrected but if Lewis go ahead with a third edition (and that all depends on demand) then there will be some considerable revision.
The paperback edition is now available from direct from the publisher Lewis Masonic who also publish a wide range of othe books on Freemasonry, To go there click here or on previous links.
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