Robert L.D. Cooper  Author, Historian, Freemason.

HP Sauce

June 11th, 2014 by Robert Cooper


An artist appeals for empty bottles of HP sauce to create a work of art.

This appeal caught my eye not only because I loved HP sauce but there is a major economic and political storm surrounding this quintessential British condiment.

The essential facts are:

1 The original recipe was invented in 1899 by Frederick G. Garton who was a Nottingham grocer

2 He sold his recipe to Edwin S. Moore the founder of the Midland Vinegar Co. This company launched the HP brand

3 HP sauce is a concoction with a malt vinegar base. This is blended with tomato, dates, tamarind extract, sweeteners and spices

4 HP stands for ‘Houses of Parliament’ because it said to have been first served in a restaurant in the house.

5 For that reason the label on the bottle shows an image of the Houses of Parliament

6 Harold Wilson (1916 – 95), Prime Minister (1966 – 70 and 1974 – 76) was a fan

7 More that 29 million bottles are sold every year an is the most popular brown sauce in the UK by a big margin

In 2007 production was moved to Holland causing outrage in Britain especially when the product continued to display the Houses of Parliament on the bottle.

More to follow…

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Crunch, Crunch…

June 10th, 2014 by Robert Cooper


We have all experienced it – a large thump as one’s vehicle hits a pothole. Usually it is to late to avoid the pothole or it has is ‘camouflaged’ by being filled with water or covered with snow.

It seems that instead of repairing our roads the authorities are more interested in building new ones and only repairing existing ones when absolutely necessary. Does that make sense?

That is why a app for my mobile ‘phone caught my attention. Using Potholer is simple. The best results are achieved when the phone is placed in a secure horizontal position, such as the cradle used for GPS devices in a vehicle and all potholes above a certain depth are automatically recorded, using GPS, and the relevant local authority notified. This has the beneficial effect of the accumulation of the location and severity of potholes means that those responsible for maintaining our roads cannot claim not to know about a particular pothole. Don’t forget to launch  the app!

There is one downside: using the Pothole can significantly deplete one’s mobile ‘phone battery. Nice of them to make that clear but if connected to a charging (‘cigar’) port that should not be an issue. That said, one needs also to be aware of mobile connection charges and upload and download limits.

For more information see: 

PS, since this piece was written the potholer app has not been updated and so one can no longer have potholes reported to a Local Authority, pity that…

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Piper Bill Millin

June 7th, 2014 by Robert Cooper


After the post below (Independent Scotland would not have fought in WWII) was uploaded I came across the obituary of the Piper, William (Bill) Millin.

‘Bill Millin, who died on 17 August 2010 aged 88, was personal piper to Lord Lovat on D-Day and piped the invasion forces on to the shores of France; unarmed apart from the ceremonial dagger in his stocking, he played unflinchingly as men fell all around him.

Millin began his apparently suicidal serenade immediately upon jumping from the ramp of the landing craft into the icy water. As the Cameron tartan of his kilt floated to the surface he struck up with Hieland Laddie. He continued even as the man behind him was hit, dropped into the sea and sank.

Once ashore Millin did not run, but walked up and down the beach, blasting out a series of tunes. After Hieland Laddie, Lovat, the commander of 1st Special Service Brigade (1 SSB), raised his voice above the crackle of gunfire and the crump of mortar, and asked for another. Millin strode up and down the water’s edge playing The Road to the Isles.

Bodies of the fallen were drifting to and fro in the surf. Soldiers were trying to dig in and, when they heard the pipes, many of them waved and cheered — although one came up to Millin and called him a “mad bastard”.

His worst moments were when he was among the wounded. They wanted medical help and were shocked to see this figure strolling up and down playing the bagpipes. To feel so helpless, Millin said afterwards, was horrifying. For many other soldiers, however, the piper provided a unique boost to morale. “I shall never forget hearing the skirl of Bill Millin’s pipes,” said one, Tom Duncan, many years later. “It is hard to describe the impact it had. It gave us a great lift and increased our determination. As well as the pride we felt, it reminded us of home and why we were there fighting for our lives and those of our loved ones.”

When the brigade moved off, Millin was with the group that attacked the rear of Ouistreham. After the capture of the town, he went with Lovat towards Bénouville, piping along the road.

They were very exposed, and were shot at by snipers from across the canal. Millin stopped playing. Everyone threw themselves flat on the ground — apart from Lovat, who went down on one knee. When one of the snipers scrambled down a tree and dived into a cornfield, Lovat stalked him and shot him. He then sent two men into the corn to look for him and they came back with the corpse. “Right, Piper,” said Lovat, “start the pipes again.”

At Bénouville, where they again came under fire, the CO of 6 Commando asked Millin to play them down the main street. He suggested that Millin should run, but the piper insisted on walking and, as he played Blue Bonnets Over the Border, the commandos followed.

When they came to the crossing which later became known as Pegasus Bridge, troops on the other side signalled frantically that it was under sniper fire. Lovat ordered Millin to shoulder his bagpipes and play the commandos over. “It seemed like a very long bridge,” Millin said afterwards.

The pipes were damaged by shrapnel later that day, but remained playable. Millin was surprised not to have been shot, and he mentioned this to some Germans who had been taken prisoner.

They said that they had not shot at him because they thought he had gone off his head.

William Millin, the son of a policeman, was born in Glasgow on 14 July 1922. For a few years the family lived in Canada, but they returned to Scotland and Bill went to school in Glasgow.

He joined the TA before the Second World War and played in the pipe band of the 7th Battalion the Highland Light Infantry. He subsequently transferred to the Cameron Highlanders before volunteering to join the commandos in 1941.

He met Lord Lovat while he doing his commando training at Achnacarry, north of Fort William. Lovat, the hereditary chief of the Clan Fraser, offered him a job as his batman, but Millin turned this down and Lovat agreed instead to take him on as his personal piper.

The War Office had banned pipers from leading soldiers into battle after losses in the Great War had proved too great. “Ah, but that’s the English War Office,” Lovat told Millin. “You and I are both Scottish and that doesn’t apply.” On D-Day, Millin was the only piper.

When Millin boarded the landing craft bound for the Normandy beaches, he took his bagpipes out of their box and, standing in the bow, played Road to the Isles as they went out of The Solent. Someone relayed the music over the loud hailer and troops on other transports heard it and started cheering and throwing their hats in the air.

Like many others, Millin was so seasick on the rough crossing that the coast of France proved a welcome sight, despite the dangers that came with it. “I didn’t care what was going on ashore. I just wanted to get off that bloody landing craft,” he said.

He returned to England with 1 SSB in September 1944, but then accompanied 4 Commando to Holland; he finished the war at Lubeck. After being demobilised the following year he took up the offer of a job on Lord Lovat’s estate .

This life proved too quiet for him, however, and he joined a touring theatre company with which he appeared playing his pipes on the stage in London, Stockton-on-Tees and Belfast. In the late 1950s he trained in Glasgow as a registered mental nurse and worked in three hospitals in the city.

In 1963 Millin moved to Devon, where he was employed at the Langdon Hospital, Dawlish, until he retired in 1988. In several of the Ten Tors hikes on Dartmoor organised by the Army he took part as the piper, and also visited America, where he lectured about his D-Day experiences.

In 1962 Cornelius Ryan’s book The Longest Day was adapted into a film. The part of the piper who accompanied Lovat’s commandos was played by Pipe Major Leslie de Laspee, the official piper to the Queen Mother.

Millin played the lament at Lord Lovat’s funeral in 1995, and he donated his pipes to the National War Museum in Edinburgh. The mayor of Colleville-Montgomery, a town on Sword Beach, has offered a site for a life-size statue of Millin opposite the place where he landed on D-Day. This is due to be unveiled next year.

Bill Millin married, in 1954, Margaret Mary Dowdel. She predeceased him and he is survived by their son.’

Nuff said…

Reproduced with thanks to the Daily Telegraph.

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Independent Scotland would not have fought in WWII

June 6th, 2014 by Robert Cooper

Today I watched on television the various events to commemorate the D-Day landings. They were quite moving but many young people in Britain today have little understanding of why that event was, and is, so important to us today.

There are many, many, reports and comments on this the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings and I need not cite them here. However, I wish to highlight how history, and a particular historical event, can be ‘hijacked’ to promote a particular point of view. Immediately below is an article in the ‘Metro’ free newspaper of today, 6 June 2014. The spelling and grammar is reproduced exactly.

‘Disrepect’ on D-Day

‘It feels disrespectful to the many Scots, English, Welsh and Irish, who fought bravely and gave their lives, that on the anniversary of D-Day Scotland is considering breaking away from a union which has served well Scotland, its people and the world.

Operation Neptune, the largest amphibious operation ever, was a magnificent example of what the British can achieve together. It was planned by the British, commanded by Adm Sir Bertram Ramsay (whose family were Scottish) and equipped by the British (who provided 80% of the vessels) and Americans.

The combined coordination of English, Welsh, Scots, Irish, Americans, Canadians and other nations ensured success.’

William, Coldstream’

This letter to a ‘free’ newspaper ‘The Metro‘ demonstrates the ignorance (in the original sense of the word) of the writer in pursuit of a political agenda. The implication is that  if Scotland was then independent it would not have stood side by side with England, Wales, USA and Canada to fight for freedom and democracy.

Of the six ‘nations’ mentioned by name three of the six (America, Canada and Ireland) were, and are, independent nations. To suggest that Scotland would not, in similar circumstances, have supported the fight against Nazism is an insult to almost all ‘non-political’ Scots.

NOTE: Although Ireland did not fight as a nation against the Axis many Irish people found on the side of the Allies.

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Scots the best educated in Europe

June 6th, 2014 by Robert Cooper

In a report issued yesterday by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reveals that Scotland is the best educated country in Europe.

The report shows that 44% per cent of people in Scotland between the ages of 25 and 64 have received some form of tertiary education which includes university degrees and further education. This places Scotland ahead of Ireland, Luxembourg and Finland these being only other countries to have scored more than 40%.

Joe Grice, chief economic adviser at the ONS said: “In terms of the proportion of the population going into higher and tertiary education, Scotland actually has just about the highest in the world,” And: “Scotland also does very well in terms of people in the working-age population group of 16 to 64 years olds that have got a qualification at NVQ4 or above.”

The UK scored 39.6%, placing it fifth, followed by Cyprus, Estonia and Sweden. France scored 32.1 % and Germany’s 28.5%.

The term ‘UK’ implies that the figure of 39.6% also includes those for Scotland (44%), Northern Ireland (32.5%) and Wales (36.1%). Does that mean that the figure for the UK is bolstered by those for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales? Without separate figures for England only we will never be sure.

NOTE: The report is entitled: Figure 6: ‘Population aged 25 to 64 with tertiary education attainment, 2013’ (Excel sheet 28Kb) and can be downloaded from the Office of National Statistics web site.

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Father’s Day

June 5th, 2014 by Robert Cooper

This year Father’s Day is on Sunday, 15 June.

A special day to recognise the contribution of fathers was suggested by a Mrs. John B. Dodd, Washington State, USA.  Her father, William Smart, was a veteran of the Civil War. As a widower he raised his six children on a farm in the east of the state. Mrs. Dodd came to understand what her father had sacrificed in raising his children as a lone parent and this realisation led to her suggestion that a special day be set aside to recognise all fathers.

President Calvin Coolidge (1872 – 1933) supported Mrs. Dodd’s idea but it was not until 1966 that President Lyndon B. Johnson (1908 – 1973) signed a presidential proclamation declaring that henceforth the 3rd Sunday of June would be known as Father’s Day.

Exactly why the UK adopted this American inspired celebration of fathers and father figures is not known. For more information see: The Father’s Day Celebration web site.

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Edinburgh Tram Line

June 4th, 2014 by Robert Cooper

I have lived and worked in Edinburgh long before the Tram was first mooted in 2007. I have watched the drama unfold and it has had more twists and turns than the most complex ancient Greek labyrinth.

The cost has gone up and up and the length of the Tram line has become shorter and shorter. The cost of the 8.7 miles (24 kilometres) line, which starts near Edinburgh airport and ends in the city centre, presently totals £776 million ($1300 million at today’s generous (in favour of sterling) exchange rate). Most of that money came from Scottish taxpayers and an additional, smaller, amount from the citizens of Edinburgh. A couple of years ago a Public Enquiry was promised to fully investigate the decisions made and costs involved in bringing a tram line back to Edinburgh. Recent calls for that Public Enquiry have been ignored and there is a suspicion that the local and national ‘political class’ do not want to come under any scrutiny.

In light of that an Edinburgh solicitor, Daniel Donaldson, decided to set up a public petition calling for an investigation, in great detail, of the entire project. 10,000 names are required for the on-line petition to be recognised by our politicians. To sign the petition, where ever you live, go to: (you will be re-directed to a legitimate on-line petitions web site) If 10,000 people sign the petition then, at last, the citizens of Edinburgh might get a few answers.

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June 3rd, 2014 by Robert Cooper

Perhaps it is due to the funereal humour of the Scots but was taken with the idea if Tikker – a watch that counts down the remaining days of one’s life.

How then does it work. Details of your lifestyle, date of birth, weight etc. are input and the watch calculates (presumably using actuarial tables) one’s anticipated lifespan. Obviously it deduces the time from birth to the present day to arrive at the date of death. The watch then provides a mili-scecond, second, minute, hour, day, month countdown to one’s expected date of demise.

The makers are keen to point out that the idea is that by ‘knowing’ when one is going to pop one’s clogs you will be energised to make the very best of the time left. I think that is why it has been called ‘The Happiness Watch’!

I wonder refund one is entitled to a refund if the watch miscalculates the time left?…..

The watch costs $59.00. For more information have a look at: MyTikker

For those who rather have the watch on their iPhone an app is available in the iStore at about $4.

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Edinburgh City Parking

May 30th, 2014 by Robert Cooper

I suppose it had to happen… The City of Edinburgh Council is to impose parking controls in Edinburgh City centre on Sundays although ‘only’ after 1.00 PM.

Is this another blow to the nicest city centre shopping in the UK? Certainly Prince’s Street has to be the most picturesque with only one side of the street (north side) having buildings with the south side of the street dominated by Edinburgh Castle and with the delightful Prince’s Street Gardens along the base of the huge volcanic ‘plug’ on which the castle sits.

Of course the public use of Edinburgh Trams starting tomorrow will solve all the traffic problems of the city including the politically motivated and deliberate creation of congestion by the narrowing of roads to vehicular traffic, widening pavements (side-walks), ‘interrupted phasing’ of traffic signals, introduction of high priced parking places with the imposition of blackmail fines for over-staying one’s paid for parking space – even just one minute.

The tram line, not a ‘network’ not a ‘system’ but merely a line that only goes from A to B! This tram line might be extended in future using private investment – thank goodness! If so that means I won’t be expected to pay any more taxes to pay for a politically imposed enormous White Elephant that I, nor the citizens of Edinburgh wanted,  – OR WILL I? Do my my fellow Edinburgers know anything about the future plans to extend the tram line? Do the council tax payers of Edinburgh know what any future plans will cost? Will any extension of the trams line be put to a vote of Edinburgh citizens? When will the long promised public enquiry take place? The unanswered questions go unanswered and will, no doubt, continue to remain unanswered until the local political elite get their way using Edinburgh citizen’s money…

For more information regarding the new, wonderful, people-transporting-problem-solving method of moving the citizens of Edinburgh to where they most want to go: Hospitals (NOT), the Central Railway Station (NOT),  the National Museum of Scotland (NOT) and the Scottish Botanical Gardens (NOT). For the latest on this see:

The Edinburgh Evening News

One can only guess as to the date when Sunday mornings are also subject to city centre parking charges. One can hear the argument now… ‘Well the citizens did not barricade the streets when we started milking them for even money to park their already hugely taxed vehicles on Sunday afternoons so they’ll not object when we impose a 24/7/ parking fine (sorry, fee!)

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Bilderberg Conference

May 29th, 2014 by Robert Cooper

This year’s Bilderberg Conference is to be held this week in the Marriott Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark.

This annual gathering of prime ministers, chief executives and military chiefs is, according to conspiracy theorists, to manipulate global affairs without any democratic oversight. The Bilderberg Conference has its own web site:

There is a lot of other material available on the internet. See, for example: and there are numerous press reports.

See for example:–or-conspiracy-9449477.html

The point of this post is to highlight the claims that secrecy equals dubious, if not illegal, activities. Conspiracy Theorists often make this claim usually along the lines of if you nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. This is a sweeping and grossly misleading comment. Everyone has something to hide more often than not everyone has multiple matters they do not wish to be made public. Groups also often have matters that they wish to be kept private for a whole host of legitimate reasons and individuals who are not members of that group have no right to know what the group discuss because they are not members of the group. For example, I have no right to attend board meetings of a company such as Shell or Microsoft because I am not a member of those boards. For the same reason I have no right to known what was discussed at a board meeting, other than that which the board decides to make public.

The actual meaning of words used in this context also requires to be considered and one in particular. ‘Secret’ means unknown, that is, no one other than the members of the group concerned knows anything about the group or its activities. Clearly ‘secret’ does not apply to the Bilderberg Conference as its existence is well know as it is where and when it is to be held, who is going to attend and even what is to be discussed. Instead the term ‘private’ would be a more accurate word to use in these circumstances but the word private, although accurate, does not have the sinister connotations so beloved by conspiracy theorists!

Finally, it should be borne in mind that the phrase: ‘if you nothing to hide you have nothing to fear’ was coined by Joseph Goebbels Nazi Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda and we all know where that led.

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