Robert L.D. Cooper  Author, Historian, Freemason.

Robert L. D. Cooper


Since I retired my life has changed – a lot. Getting into a new routine and adapting to a different daily timetable was a bit difficult.

Get a hobby someone said and that is good advice for most people to follow but as my hoppy was photography the severe leg injury I suffered a few years ago means that I am restricted to indoor photography – mainly of the macro type and that has been an interesting learning curve.

However as I was Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland for almost 30 years my main interest remains Freemasonry particularly the Scottish Freemasonry in all its aspects. For that reason I continue to write, publish and give lectures on the subject. In fact I have just returned from a lecture tour of Australia and New Zealand during which I gave 19 presentations.

On the publishing front my latest book is on the verge of being published its title is: The Origins and History of the Order of the Free Gardeners with lots of references and comparisons to Scottish Freemasonry.

It is gratifying to see that two of my other books remain in print: The Red Triangle: A History of Anti-Masonry and The Rosslyn Hoax. I am hoping that two other out of print books will be republished in the near future.

The other major project in which I am involved is the Masonic Authors’ Guild International (MAGI). Together with Mark A. Tabbert, former Curator at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virgina, we have created this guild to review and critque books and other productions focused on Freemasonry. Our mission is to promote the highest professional and academic standards in Masonic research and education. We do this by way of podcasts which approximately 20 minutes long.

MAGI has an internet presence on Facebook at:

and the podcasts can be listened to and download from:

Now you know a little about me and what I do. This web site is therefore mainly to let readers of my books know a wee bit more about me. To learn more, if you are really interested, click here or on the previous link..